Monday, April 30, 2012
How should you observe a demonstration involving an explosion?
Sunday, April 29, 2012
Alcohol Rocket Car (exothermic combustion of alcohol)
Put wheels on a milk jug and alcohol vapor inside, then light the end and away it goes! Special thanks to Wayne Bosma at Bradley University for introducing me to the classic alcohol "whoosh" bottle. LEFT: The rocket car at the Bradley University High School Chemistry Contest in 2009. MIDDLE: The rocket car at Demos on the Lawn '99 in Madison, Wisconsin. RIGHT: This melted jug might be what happens to the rocket car if you don't see the related paper in the Journal of Chemical Education. I have recently developed a sturdier car construction than the one published in JCE.

Saturday, April 28, 2012
Chelate Effect with a Bag Closure
(first posted elsewhwere on my websites on 3-18-12)
Polydentate ("chelating") ligands have more than one point of connection to a metal center and tend to bind more strongly to those metals than monodentate ligands (which only have more than one point of connection). This can be illustrated with a plastic bag closure (see: The two hook-like edges of the closure hold the bag closed more effectively than half a closure, which has only one hook.
ABOVE: The two hook-like edges of a bag closure (LEFT) hold the bag closed more effectively than half a closure, which has only one hook (RIGHT).
Friday, April 27, 2012
Turning Off Glowing Toys
(first posted elsewhere on my websites on 12-4-11)
Most glow-in-the-dark toys glow green due to zinc sulfide doped with elements such as copper. In about 1998, I was playing with a red laser pointer and some powdered doped zinc sulfide phosphor and found that the red laser cannot stimulate the phosphor to glow. The red light did not have enough energy to promote the phosphor electrons to the excited state. However, when the phosphor was already excited and glowing green and then was irradiated with the red laser the phosphor briefly glowed more brightly, and then darkened. I could use the red laser to draw lines of darkeness on the glowing doped zinc sulfide. I have found over the years that this stimulated emission and darkening phenomenon works using red light on other glow-in-the-dark objects, including glowing drawing screens sold by toy companies or the glowing screens at museums that record people's shadows from a light flash. I think this ability to use light to draw dark areas or lines on glowing objects could be used to enhance the utility/enjoyment of these materials. I would like to know more details about the mechanisms behind this phenomenon and welcome any insights that you might have.

ABOVE: A glow-in-the-dark butterfly shape gives a butterfly-shaped glow (LEFT), but when irradiated with a red laser pointer on the middle the glow is darkened (MIDDLE) or irradiated with a red laser pointer on the left wing the glow is darkened (RIGHT). Sorry the pictures are so faint - the glow was difficult to capture with my camera and you might have to adjust the angle of your viewing screen.
ABOVE: A glow-in-the-dark butterfly shape gives a butterfly-shaped glow (LEFT), but when irradiated with a red laser pointer on the middle the glow is darkened (MIDDLE) or irradiated with a red laser pointer on the left wing the glow is darkened (RIGHT). Sorry the pictures are so faint - the glow was difficult to capture with my camera and you might have to adjust the angle of your viewing screen.
Thursday, April 26, 2012
Balloon Effusion (Gas Laws)
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Electron Microscopy of a Cracked Dried Film (Original)
Thought this looked neat. The picture containing some added colors and lens flares is in my personal blog: Pix of the Day and Stuff:
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Geckos and Nanotechnology
Here in Austin, Texas, it is not that unusual to see an occasional gecko - caught one last night. Gecko feet have an amazing ability to stick on-demand to a variety of surfaces – even glass! Their climbing ability appears to be related to hair-like structures on their toes (one of the gecko's feet are in the lower right hand corner of the picture). Those “hairs” split and end in tips that are only about 200 nanometers across. To view the individual hairs, you would need a powerful electron microscope. Scientists have learned how to generate textured surfaces that act like gecko’s feet and have even built robots with “gecko-inspired feet” that can climb up walls.
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Balloon/Closed Bag in an Airplane (air pressure)
ABOVE: Sealed roll package on an airplane (FIRST) at ground level and (SECOND) in the air.
Friday, April 20, 2012
Transparent Metal - A Future Goal?
Very thin metal films can transmit light, but they are not at all very strong. It would be nice to have a transparent material with the mechanical properties of a bulk metal. Science fiction works have noted this: Star Wars novels refer to "transparisteel" (, and of course, the movie Star Trek IV made reference to "transparent aluminum" (for the scene, see:
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Liquidmetal Alloy
A recent news report describes the potential use of the amorphous metal alloy known as Liquidmetal for use in iPhone casings: More details about this noncrystalline, hard alloy can be found at: The alloy is quite hard; a ball bearing dropped on the alloy will rebound to a much greater height than one dropped on stainless steel, for the demonstration see the middle movie at:
Wednesday, April 18, 2012
Demonstrating Poisson's Ratios with Chicken Wire
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
No Suds! (water hardness)
Monday, April 16, 2012
Ytterby Mine
A Bradley Chemistry and Biochemistry major studied in Sweden in Spring, 2011, and visited the Ytterby mine. The rocks from this mine were the source of four elements that were new to science.
Sunday, April 15, 2012
Element Displays at the UT Chemistry Building
The first pic is of a lecture hall/seminar room ceiling in Welch Hall at the University of Texas at Austin. There are Texas Longhorn motifs in the patterns, and along the main beams there are alchemical symbols - seven of the eight are related to celestial symbols (see:
gold (Sun)
mercury (Mercury)
copper (Venus)
antimony (Earth)
iron (Mars)
tin (Jupiter)
lead (Saturn)
sulfur (no connection - maybe it should be for Jupiter's moon Io -
The second pic is of a large periodic table done in chalk under a walkway - sheltered from the elements, so to speak. The building also features names of famous contributors to the field of chemistry, and a couple are shown in the third pic.
Monday, April 9, 2012
Using Egg Dyes to Color Shells
We had some leftover dye solutions from coloring Easter eggs, so we tried soaking shells in the dyes - after all, they both have calcium carbonate. A shell fossil (upper right) also dyed successfully. The red dye seemed to work the best.
Sunday, April 8, 2012
Closest Packing of Spheres
Spheres of equal size, from atoms to macroscale objects, will pack into patterns where each sphere is surrounded by six neighboring spheres in the same plane (12 neighbors in three-dimensions). Here are gumballs in a machine and tiny polystyrene spheres that show the closest-packed pattern.
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Colored Eggs and Ion Colors
Some colors associated with compounds of various transition metal ions, as depicted by colors of plastic Easter eggs.
Friday, April 6, 2012
Acid Rain Damage at the Field Museum in Chicago
Acid rain has damaged the marble (calcium carbonate) caryatid (sculpted female figure serving as a pillar) on the right more than the one on the left. If I recall correctly, these are on the south side of the museum.
Thursday, April 5, 2012
Carbide lamp
For over a century, calcium carbide has been reacted with water to produce calcium hydoxide and acetylene, a flammable gas that can burn with a bright flame. Lamps, such as those used in mines, have used these reactions to produce illumination, see: Acetylene produced from calcium carbide has been used in chemistry demonstrations, such as those demonstrating explosive ranges. Acetylene can burn quietly at high concentrations relative to oxygen, but can explode at low concentrations relative to oxygen. Because exposions can occur, I will not discuss these demonstrations in more depth.
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Gas Laws on a Microwaved Container
This common occurence is a a good illustration of gas laws. A container is heated, e.g. in a microwave, while it is open to the atmosphere. When the container contains hot gas in pressure balance with the outside atmosphere, the container is closed. As the gas in the container cools, its internal pressure decreases according to Gay-Lussac's law, which states that the pressure exerted on a container's sides by an ideal gas is proportional to the absolute temperature. The net result is often that the container (like the butter tub in the picture) is deformed by the pressure of the outside atmosphere.
Monday, April 2, 2012
The Ether Monument
In Boston, the Ether Monument, located in the Public Garden, commemorates the use of ether as an anesthetic. See: The plaques from the monument are shown below.
Sunday, April 1, 2012
LEGO Book Update
I have updated the online book "Exploring the Nanoworld with LEGO Bricks" and have posted it online at: New sections include scanning electron microscopy and dialysis. In the dialysis demonstration pictured, small bricks can be shaken through channels in the divider, but not the larger bricks.
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